The Bountiful Benefits of Bilberry
There’s no way around it: Berries are good for you. So good, in fact, that their potential benefits have been captured in supplement form. Now, instead of receiving confused looks from an overwhelmed farmer’s market clerk
How to Treat and Prevent Painful Foot Blisters
No pain, no gain? Not when it comes to blisters. These small pockets of clear fluid under the skin may seem harmless, but they’re anything but — they can even be downright debilitating if they’re on a part of the body y
Which Vitamins Are Most Important for Athletic Performance?
If you want to know what the best vitamins for athletes are, it helps to know what makes one more important for athletic performance than another. Because, as much as it has to do with a vitamin’s function, it also has to d
When Should You Use Beachbody Performance Energize?
Got your pre-workout shake mixed and ready to go? Great — time to down it and get after that workout, right? Not so fast. If you’re like most exercisers, you’re probably taking your pre-workout supplement too soon befor
How L-Theanine Can Improve Workout Performance and Sleep Quality
If you’ve never heard of L-theanine, you’re not alone. Unless you’ve been researching relaxation supplements or pre-workout ingredients, you may not be familiar with this lesser-known amino acid. Found in green tea, L
8 Common Ingredients in Superfood Greens Supplements
Why should you try a super greens supplement? Even if you’re conscientious about eating a healthy, balanced diet, you probably wouldn’t mind a little extra support — some added insurance that you’re not overlooking a
Probiotics: How These Bacteria Can Help Boost Digestion, Immunity, and Mood
Probiotics are in the Greek yogurt you had for breakfast and the kimchi in the Buddha bowl you ordered for lunch. They’re found in the kombucha you sipped on this afternoon, and they’re in the miso paste that will go into
When’s the Best Time to Take Different Supplements?
In romance and comedy, timing is everything. With fitness and nutrition, there’s typically a bit more wiggle room — any time is usually a great time to do more cardio, fit in a resistance workout, or swap processed foods
8 Hot Flash Remedies Without a Prescription
If intense, hot, and sweaty sensations have you kicking your sheets off in the middle of the night or frantically fanning yourself randomly throughout the day, you may be experiencing hot flashes. Known clinically as vasomoto
What Are the Best Supplements for Building Muscle?
When it comes to finding the best muscle-building supplements, there’s a big difference between efficacious supplements that can move the needle and those that merely deliver marketing hype. Depending on a number of factor